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Talented bassoonists come from all over the world.

B.O.S.S. is aided by the contributions of many bassoonists around the world supporting our efforts to increase awareness for the bassoon to young musicians everywhere. 

Whether you are learning the bassoon, seeing and hearing it for the first time, or simply searching for some inspiration...please feel free to check out the videos below from bassoonists of all ages, cultures, races, genders, and locations around the globe!

El nacimiento del fagot flamenco | Niño Ruven
Niño Ruven

El nacimiento del fagot flamenco | Niño Ruven

► EL NACIMIENTO DEL FAGOT FLAMENCO El fagot flamenco es presentado durante tres años consecutivos en riguroso directo y de manera inédita por su creador, Niño Ruven. Pasando por espacios de alto prestigio como el XLVII Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Doble Lengüeta (IDRS) o el LIX Festival Internacional del Cante de las Minas, hemos querido reunir en este cortometraje aquellos momentos que fueron únicos y que marcaron el nacimiento de este nuevo universo sonoro. ► THE BIRTH OF FLAMENCO BASSOON The flamenco bassoon is presented for three consecutive years rigorously live and in an unprecedented way by its creator, Niño Rubén. Passing through highly prestigious spaces such as the XLVII Congress of the International Double Reed Association (IDRS) or the LIX Festival Internacional del Cante de las Minas, those moments that were unique and that marked the birth of this new sound universe. FOLLOW NIÑO RUVEN: • Website: • Instagram: • Facebook: ARTISTIC CAST: • Bassoon: Niño Ruven • Guitar: Luis Calderito, Enrique Ordóñez, David de Arahal and Alba Espert • Piano: Juan Pedro Peces • Flute: Antonio Onieva • Voices: Araceli Hidalgo and Ana Mar García • Dance and percussion: María Morales, Araceli Muñoz, Pilar Díaz and Alba Luna THANKS to: Püchner, Mykhalchuk Bassoon Reeds, Légère Reeds, Ayuntamiento de Doña Mencía, Delegación de Cultura, Carmen Romero, Peña Flamenca de Lucena, Ayuntamiento de Lucena, Lucena City of Music, Videoluc Televisión, TrevCo Music Publishing, Asociación de Fagotistas y Oboístas de España (AFOES), International Double Reed Society (IDRS), Ayuntamiento de Granada and Festival Internacional del Cante de las Minas.
Mozart Bassoon Concerto - Dahl / Eschenbach

Mozart Bassoon Concerto - Dahl / Eschenbach

Boulder Bassoon Quartet

Boulder Bassoon Quartet

Garrett McQueen

Garrett McQueen

Simon Van Holen: Pro Contra! (debut album)

Simon Van Holen: Pro Contra! (debut album)

Daniel Matsukawa

Daniel Matsukawa

Gustavo Núñez

Gustavo Núñez

Malte Refardt

Malte Refardt

Rebekah Heller

Rebekah Heller

Milan Turkovic

Milan Turkovic

Fabio Cury

Fabio Cury

Martin Kuuskmann

Martin Kuuskmann

Nadina Mackie Jackson

Nadina Mackie Jackson

Niño Rubén

Niño Rubén

Paul Hanson

Paul Hanson


In addition to the bassoon, there are many other beautiful, but currently lesser known and underappreciated instruments which many people do not know about! These are extremely valuable instruments for symphony orchestras, and they are in high demand.

Check out the link below to videos from some of these other types of unique instruments.


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