Bassoon Outreach to Support Students
Awareness, support & inspiration for young musicians and rare musical instruments much needed in the world.

In today's modern world, interest in symphony music is fading.
Instruments with a major role in much of the most beautiful music ever written are being played less frequently than ever by young musicians. Some of these instruments are on the verge of becoming extinct. The bassoon is one of these instruments at the top of the list.
B.O.S.S. was started by a young musician worried about the future many unique instruments face, and is today supported by many prominent musicians worldwide. It is a resource intended primarily for younger musicians, providing information about the bassoon and other instruments facing similar challenges.
B.O.S.S. started in Spring 2020 based on two basic goals:
1). Create resources to help young musicians become more aware and excited about unique instruments.
2). Increase the network of musicians advocating for these unique instruments, enlisting the help of key groups within the youth music ecosystem to help inspire and overcome the challenges these instruments are currently facing.
If we really want to see a change in perception for these instruments, we need everyone's help to make a difference.
One of our main goals is to provide a variety of content for kids to get them interested in some of the more unique musical instruments. We want to inspire young musicians through videos, blogs, forums and other content so that they can learn more about different instruments which they may have never seen or heard before!

As we build and showcase content around unique instruments for young musicians...we really need the help of the music community.
Supporters are important to help our mission and to effectively create greater awareness for the bassoon and other unique instruments to young musicians across the world.
Supporters can be any person or organization that is in a position to influence and inspire young musicians. Whether it be local schools and bands, school districts, youth orchestras, bassoon instructors, music suppliers, or instrument manufacturers, everyone plays a key role in working together to address the current challenges that unique instruments are facing.
If you're interested in supporting our cause in your own way, please let us know! Everything we do is on a volunteer basis. We really could use your help.
Due to challenges unique instruments face, we are constantly adding new information and useful resources to help support young musicians and their families. It is challenging enough figuring out where to find good teachers or places you can trust to buy instruments, music equipment and ongoing supplies. With unique instruments, it is even more difficult.

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.”

B.O.S.S. (Bassoon Outreach to Support Students)
Inspiring young musicians worldwide.